

ok. I received a lot of questions when I informed the peeps that I'm moving my blog. Now they are asking another questions about the blog itself. LOL.

so yes, I think I will explain a bit. LOL

why did I move the blog?
I'm bored with the old one, and it's one year old already. And I have a new journey to embark, so I think a new blog will be more appropriate.

what's with the la chasse reveuse?
It means the dreamhunt. Am currently hunting my own dream. And it's an inspiration from shinichi osawa's song, 'dreamhunt'.

what's with the green font?
Green means hope, and I need sufficient amount of it in the la chasse reveuse :) :) :)

what's with the black and white photo?
Well, am currently in love with black and white photography. It spells classic and artistic. but then, the colour one will be there as well lah.

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