
the issue.

I feel rather alienated
I don't feel that the home is home
I cannot meet the dear dear I suppose to meet
the peeps really change everything I think

and dunno why
I got the diarhoea and insomnia attack


mia casa

after cursing the whole afternoon at the airport
and trying to locate my luggage
and another cursing session during dinner for lousy service
am finally at home
and now cursing the internet speed
the speed is so 'neck-breaking' you actually wait for so long just to open a facebook login page until u break ur neck. LOL
and am practically left with no activity
what's worse: no ciggies, no irish cream, nothing.
guess staying in with the pops sometimes doesn't sound that good eh?

anyway. somehow it feels good to be at home
set aside the 'limitations'
I have a good little reunion with my beloved aira guitar
I got to see my high school year book
I got to see the achievements I got back then
and all of those Japs comics I have
the slurpylicious and cheap food
memoirs from high school I let u see later on

well. everything got its black and white sides lah.
still. I somehow miss sg don't laugh



Am going to jakarta for some refreshment. Will be back in singapore in 5 weeks time. :D
going to jakarta includes bali, good peeps, good food. :D

went out earlier with mike to eat in beach road. The food is simply slurpylicious :D :D :D
had a great time with him though.
now going out to...... [still thinking leh]

thanks! gracias! 谢谢! ありがとう!

thanks to Jon for these cupcakes yesterday nights. I likeeeee


tech-gig looking? mmm?

I know that my face is somewhat far from those tech-gig looking, but dig this: some of my friend actually asked me to tag along with them to the PC show 2008. LOL

Am actually somewhat 'technologically challenged'. Even the pops said that I have the 'medusa touch'.

At 3 I actually pulled out an antenna from a radio. uh oh. a hulk wannabe?
At 5 I somehow spoiled the radio into its 6-feet-under-state
Moving up to the recent one...
At 16 somehow my laptop mobo's just blown up. *KABOOOM*
At 17 somehow my desktop power supply just died on me and my laptop's not functioning.
At 18........ still yet to come leh.

I chose to throw a tech stuff or bang it onto the floor to returned it to the 'right' state. Well, it works sometimes. :)

And somehow I love to step on any of my tech-stuff.

On monday I stepped on my iPod. Again, for the thousand times.
On tuesday I stepped on my laptop.
On wednesday I stepped on my moto while it's on the open position. it's a clamp shell phone mind you?

I did join a robotic club as my CCA back then when I was still in junior high. I think the teacher loved me or what, but I did get an A for that. OK. How did I get an A? By skipping it weekly and coming up with brilliant ideas 101 of the proper excuses that should be made when skipping.

I joined a web design CCA in senior high and after 6 months I 'dropped out' from it. It was so freaking boring can?

And I get an A during the computer class and they give me a certificate. After quite awhile, I prefer browsing youtube or making my homework or sleeping. So the A stops.

All of these can be concluded to one point.





the room

working table. mind u the chicks there, it belongs to the cuzz.

me. me?


the new possession :)

ok. officially say bye bye to my iPod earphone. Somehow the cover just gone like that. LOL.

and I bought this new red cutie audio technica today. Cheap. and get cover somemore.

ok ok. will update again later.



ok. I received a lot of questions when I informed the peeps that I'm moving my blog. Now they are asking another questions about the blog itself. LOL.

so yes, I think I will explain a bit. LOL

why did I move the blog?
I'm bored with the old one, and it's one year old already. And I have a new journey to embark, so I think a new blog will be more appropriate.

what's with the la chasse reveuse?
It means the dreamhunt. Am currently hunting my own dream. And it's an inspiration from shinichi osawa's song, 'dreamhunt'.

what's with the green font?
Green means hope, and I need sufficient amount of it in the la chasse reveuse :) :) :)

what's with the black and white photo?
Well, am currently in love with black and white photography. It spells classic and artistic. but then, the colour one will be there as well lah.